Mon 27 Jan
★T_ _I_ _N_ _Y____ _★A_ _S_ _I_ _A_ _N!___ ___★W_ _I_ _L_ _D_ __ __ _★M_ _A_ _N_ _E_ _A_ _T_ _E_ _R - 38
Tuesday morning fun.. Classy Busty Blonde Bombshell will come to you - 39
(Sarasota, Sarasota outcall)
ToP NotCH~*~5 $t@R M@mI WiTH D@nGeROuS CuRVeS~*~ 120 $PeCI@L - 24
(Sarasota, sarasota/bradenton in/out calls)
$$$Dont miss out chance of a lifetime$$$ call me Diamond 724-471-5923 - 22
(Columbus, Columbus north/south/east/west In & OUT)
STuNNiNG* SeXy* FuN*-N- JuST* WHaT* YOU* WANT-n-NEED 100%* ReaL N NeW* PiX - 23
(, Warwick-Cranston-Providence IN & Out)
Suga and spice everything nice try me once you'll come back twice 100-specials - 22
(, Warwick tfg airport in calls only)
The best specials! I'll be on your doorstep I'm seconds!) (Outcall today only) - 20
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton)
♥ UN~UNBELIEVABLE BODY♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥PETITE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ -n-♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ SWEET ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 22
((( AVAILABLE NOW ))) _____ ! ______ SmOkiN HoT *CurVy* BOdy!! ______ ! _______ ((( E X O T I C ))) - 23
(Orange County, LAKE FOREST)
ASIAN Sexy Beautiful young ,2 girl ---in Costa Mesa.405 & harbor Incall only - 22
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa 405 & harbor ,JWA ,Newport)
NEW in Town SEXY BOMB SHELL Love to Party OUT-CALL ONLY ~~347-595-5929 - 27
~Tuesday Let's Play!!~ **Hourglass Beauty** ~Outcall~ - 25
(Sarasota, Sarasota, Venice, Port Ch, Outcall)
👛🌷👛 Come Spend This Beautiful Day With Me, I Guarantee Satisfaction ... 9012978533 👛🌷👛 - 28
(Germantown, Memphis)
i provide satisfaction at its best!! i promise u will enjoy this italian hottie ! - 28
(Houston, pasadena laporte baytown clearlake)
☆★•*¨ ¨*• ☆Blake Knows How To Cure That Itch~ Older Pleasures☆•*¨ ¨*•★☆ - 50
(London, Wellington & Southdale Private Location)
💔Cassy 💔🌹 💎 226-980-5394 🌹💔💔Sexy Native girl. naughty. fun!! sexy sweet lips 💋💖; - 27
(London, North end)
I Just want to Be your Naughtii girl! Im back to Rock your world! - 30
(N45-Richey/1960 In-Out all over)
*The Beautiful Ms. Katie* Early Morning In-Call Specials!! Call now, (941) 623-5370 - 27
(Sarasota, Bradenton, FL)
AVAILABLE NOW💋💋INCALLS VIP exotic💋💄💄👄 upscale slim thick latina 5 🌟 Service and comfort - 21
AsK AbOuT My SpeCiaLS!* Ask aBoUt mY CaR SpEcIAL!! 661/210/0945 **SexY WhiTE GiRL**incall - 23
(Palmdale, in/outcalls car all of av)
🔴🔴║★★║🔴🔴 LONDON (1st Time) 🔴🔴║★★║🔴🔴 36D COLLEGE STUDENT (2 TIMES) 🔴🔴║★★║🔴🔴 All Menu+NURU MASSAGE🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 20
I will make ur day! im told i look better in person! Master of pleasure" quality in many ways" !! - 25
(Houston, laporte channelview baytown I10 east)
—D— E—F—I—N—I—T—I— O—N =——= °*•OF•*°=——= S—E—X—Y— - 25
(Memphis, Incall /Outc Memphis,Southaven,W.Memphis)
(Ventura, OntARio 10 FWY HolT & ViNeYArD)
The SwEETest and most TaLeNtEd pLAYmaTe on the LiSt! HeRe 2 satisfy YoUr Every DeSIRe - 21
(Sarasota, INCALL specials near fruitville on 41)
Back May 4 & 5 💦SHEET SOAKER💦 VIP COMPANION •:*:• BeAuTiFuL •:*:• ExOTic 5⭐️ Servic - 28
(Sarnia, Sarnia/Point Edward/402/Downtown)
💞DeeDee💋°SEXY💋EDUCATED 🌟FUN🎀B EA U T I F UL 🎀⭐🌸(614)2149646🌸💯🌺Real🌺 - 25 - 25 - 25
(Columbus, east Columbus)
!!NEW NEW《 SuPa SeXy ISLAND BEAUTY 》Let's PaRty & PlAy NOW** ToNs Of FUN*** - 21
(Bronx, incalls/outcalls van courtland)
L A T E** C H O C O L A T E **C A K E **S O M E T H I N G **T O *M A K E *U* T H I N K - 25
Summer Special for a Beautiful Sexy Woman that Won't Dissappoint YOU call me! - 47
Sexy Top Notch Jaw Dropping Curvy Blonde BombShell! KINKY & WILD! SPECIALS!! - 23
(, Warwick incall)
Tired of inexperienced girls? Roxanne Sinclaire is here to show you how it's done! - 46
(Sarasota, South sarasota)
JUST GOT BACK, Come visit ya favorite girl... Total package[ sexy puerto Rican] - 23
(Bronx, fordam/ 183rd / third ave)
💯% 💦Big Booty 💋❤ 💄👠ℳÃĞĮČ💦ℳ♡ỤŤĤ👅 💠🎀💋E✖ΘTiC✨AMAZING SKILLS🎀💠🎀 ♥★♥100%REAL F*R*E*A*K - 24
(East Bay, Oakland, Oakland airport)
OPEN during HOLIDAYS !!! Relax w HOT Chinese Herbs w HOT girls!!! - 29
(Westminster, Santa Ana, Garden Grove)
DiSaPPoInTeD with FAKE pics??? THEN CoMe SeE VANILLA & YoU WoNt ReGrET iT - 20
(Columbus, INCALL only)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited! - 19
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, In your arms ;))
▬▬▬▬🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟▬▬▬▬ ✦5 ST🌟 R S€RViCE GuAraNtEEd ✦ ▬▬▬▬▬🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ▬▬▬▬▬ - 27
(Brantford-Woodstock, Incall Wellington/Exeter Rd 403-206-7785, London)
[[AVAiLABLE N0w]] ☆ _((_ARMENiAN vixeen ))_ ☆_ (( AmAziNG §PC!AL§_ ))_☆ - 20
(Orange County, 55&DYER.LEAVING; NOON!)
SHEs BACK!!! ..Be Facinated....Experience Something Special...PRIME Age Tigre$$ + youthful beauty - 44
(Providence, Providence Cranston Warwick)
LA LiSA *Gentleman'sTop Choice Always* EXoTiC patite REDHEAD 60 80 100 (incall specials) 6467716188 - 21